Let’s Talk Gun Control

*Disclaimer* This is not a post advocating for or against gun control.

Even with the aforementioned disclaimer I can promise I will have someone comment on this post attacking me for wanting to take their guns away. That simple fact is what I really want to talk about. How did we get to the point where simply wanting to have a civil discussion about an important topic is impossible? If we are honest both sides of this debate are likely to blame.

With two of the top five deadliest mass shootings occurring in the last two months I think a discussion on gun control is merited. Yet I have a feeling both sides will do what they almost always do and demonize the other and attack them without even listening to their points. Maybe this lack of understanding and willingness to discuss topics we disagree on somehow contributes to these mass shootings.

When we foster an environment where we can not have a civil discussion things tend to escalate quickly. What needs to happen on this country is an honest discussion about gun control.

Should we ban all guns? Ban AR type guns? Pass stricter background checks? Do away with all gun control? Allow open carry? Just like with most issues the answer falls somewhere in the middle. But we can never get to the middle if we can not have a discussion. Mass shootings will continue to happen unabated and thousands will continue to die annually in this country by these attacks. There has to be a solution to this problem. I can not accept what we currently have is the best way to handle it.

So whether you support or oppose gun control can we not all agree that we need to have a discussion about it. Can we not all be adults and compromise for the betterment of our country, for our children’s future?

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