Tried by Fire

Most everyone I know has lost someone close to them.  My father passed away 15 years ago today.  I was just a six year old boy when he left this world, but I was a little boy who thought I needed my father still.  To the extent that I thought back then I did.  I did not have anyone who was going to show me how to do the things guys do.  I had no one to teach me the shave, how to talk to girls, never had the birds and the bees talk.  I still to this day know nothing about cars.  But what I do know now is that God took that moment of despair and he thru the years has molded me into the person I am today.  God knew that six year old boy would be to stubborn to let God mold him if he had his father still in his life.  So God took my father away.  I instead have had many Godly men and women shape the man I have become.  I remember 15 years ago questioning why God would allow this to happen to me, I still needed my father I pleaded.  I remember being mad at God and crying to him about how unfair He was to me.  I no longer question why God allows things to happen in my life the way he does.  I trust that all of the things I have gone thru and will go thru will shape me into the person that God who before the foundation of the world wanted me to become.  So every year on January 15th I take a moment to look back to remember God is at work in my life thru even the darkest of times.  I allow myself one day a year to cry and reflect on who I have become.  What I know is this, God still has a lot of work to do in my life to mold me into the man he wants me to be.  If God chooses to mold me thru tragedy again, He has every right to.  Who am I to question God, He is looking out for my best interest.