Why I Hate “Church”

What are our Churches doing in our world today. I am of the belief that our churches are causing more people to die and go to hell than any other thing out there. I am being completely honest with you when I say if I was a non-Christian, and I use the word Christian lightly here, I would not ever step thru the doors of a church.

When we look at how Jesus was treated in the bible when he was here on Earth I believe that if he was to come back today and live like he did then that we as a Church would treat him far worse than they did then. People that attend church every week would ridicule him far worse than he ever was when he was here on this earth.

I believe that if Jesus was to come back right now and live he would be completely disgusted with the Church. I believe he would look at us just as he looked at the scribes and Pharisees of that day. I do not think we are any better they they were. We preach and teach how bad they were without realizing that is exactly how we are today.

What do our churches have to help those who struggle with addictions, who are completely lost in sin, who struggle with depression. We do not help these people we cast them away and think if only they would pray more they would be delivered. Stop and think about that we are just like the Pharisees. Anyone who is different from us, any one who struggles with sin, struggles with addictions, depression, lust, pornography, alcohol, who by societies standards are worthless. We cast them away, we reject them from our churches. We may not say we do not want you here but thats how we treat them. Jesus embraced those people, helped them. Yet we judge them.

What is your Church doing in the world today. I want you to go next time your church has a business meeting and just look at your church budget. Look how much money you take in over a given year and how much you budget for everything. Now I want you find how much, if any, you budget towards missions. I would venture a guess to say that right now you feel ashamed. We build multi-million dollar buildings. Budget hundreds of thousands of dollars. But send so little out to missions.

Ok now look at how your church actually handles the Great Commission. Ok most churches send a small amount to missions. A lot of churches have a few members who go on a mission trip for a week or two. I want you to open your bible and read what the Great Commission commands of us. It does not say go and witness to everyone. It says go and make DISCIPLES of all people. Yet we as a church are not in the business of making disciples. We make ourselves feel good about going on a mission trip to witness but we never make those we witness to disciples. Now look at your church is your church making disciples within itself. Or do we simply train the next generation and every generation present that the role of a christian is to go to church, be baptized, go to sunday school. We are teaching that their role is to fill a seat. We are not however making disciples.

Ok, now I want to focus on one age group for a moment. Look at the 18-27 year olds in your church. What do you have to offer them. Do you realize it is this group that feels they do not belong in our churches. If your at a church and see very few this age there is a reason for that. We do not have ministries for this age group in many churches. On top of that we raised them to just fill a seat on Sunday.

Ok, moving on again. I want you to look at your church next Sunday morning. Look out at the people, really look at them. How many people do you see that are different than you. I am talking racially, ethnically, socially, economically. I would be willing to bet you can count those people on one hand. Do you realize the world see us and knows that we do not welcome those who are different than us. Take Hope for instance. The largest attended church averages over 300 on Sunday morning to the best of my knowledge. How many different racial groups do you honestly think are represented. The vast majority are all the same. Why do we have churches that are so racially divided. Look at the economic and social backgrounds of those you see. They are for the most part just like you.

When you look at the rate of divorce in this country it is disturbing. When you look at how many people have affairs. When you see how many people cheat on their taxes. When you look at most statics out there do you realize the Church is no different. The rate of divorce among Christians that last I heard was higher than the rest of the world. The amount of people in our churches who have affairs is no different. So I ask you this how are we any different than the world. What do we do that causes the world to stop and say “Those Christians are different, I wonder why?”

We as a church have become religious with out ever becoming a true disciple and a true Christian. I was honest when I begun this and said that if I were lost I would not walk thru the doors of a church. There are times as a Christian when I look out at our churches and think “I do not want to walk thru the doors” and I am a Preacher.

I am sick of the people in our churches, I am sick of the traditions we follow, I am sick of how in every church their members look the exact same. Where is the Church Jesus founded when he was here on this earth? I do not see it.