Christmas Eve

So it is officially Christmas Eve and the wait for Santa Claus grows shorter.  Tomorrow children everywhere will awake to presents under the tree.  Kids will go crazy and play with the toys they receive for a grand total of like 2 weeks at most.  It seems to me that for the most part the things we get on Christmas day as children are a total waste.  I find it funny that Christians everywhere celebrate Christmas for the birth of Jesus but at the same time we continue to spread a huge lie.  Now I would imagine that if your reading this Blog then your old enough to know the truth. Santa is FAKE!!! We as Christians preach that thou shalt not lie yet every year we tell our children that there is a Santa Claus when there really is not such a man.  Yes, historically speaking there once was a St. Nick but he no longer exists. Now I am all for the spirit of Christmas and I am not even advocating not telling children to believe in Santa all I am doing is pointing out that fact.  I personally find it funny that we do that year after year.  We can tell our kids there is no Santa and still give them the presents every year and as far as they matter it would be the same.  Ok now off of my little soap box.  I love Christmas time and everything it represents to us as Christians.  I love winter it happens to be my favorite season and I only wished that I lived in a place where it snows every year on Christmas.  That is the only thing that would make Christmas better for me.  I love being able to spend Christmas with family and friends and just being able to take a break from school or work.  I enjoy the Christmas cheer that is spread and for a few brief moments this dark world show me the kind of people we are capable of being.  We are capable of being so much better if only we allow ourselves a reason or a purpose to be better than we are.  So as you gather with family and friends this Christmas season remember that this doesn’t have to be a temporary season of good cheer but that it can and should carry over with us each and every day.  So I leave you with “Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!!!!!!!”

The Things That Make Us Happy

What is it in life that determines our level of happiness? Do we require certain things in order to be happy? Can we be happy with nothing? When everything is falling apart and when everything is going great. Can we be happy when we are alone and when we have found that one person. What makes us truly happy? Ice cream, Starbucks, Relationships, Clothes, Cars, Money? Truth be told some of the happiest people I know have very little. Is happiness found in a simple life? Or can we buy happiness? The things that make us truly happy should be the things that matter. Yet, how many times is that not the case. How can things that aren’t important affect us so much. I tend to be happy just about all the time it is just who I am but it is just so much harder for others. Is it just a difference in personality or do I have something they don’t? Happiness for us depends on our circumstance but shouldn’t our happiness be universal? We let things effect our happiness, things we have no control over. Should we be able to be happy in every situation? Many think happiness is fleeting that it doesn’t last. It’s simply an emotion that’s based on a chemical reaction. I think our state of happiness should transcend our petty lives and circumstances. We should make it a priority in life to be happy independent of everything else! Is it possible to do so? I believe it is, it is all just a matter of what we focus on in this life.  I feel that everyone has within them the capacity to truly be happy in just about every situation.  The thing is most people have been unhappy for so long that they have grown accustomed to it.  Happiness should be a part of our everyday lives.  Happiness should be long-lasting instead of fleeting.  Happiness is a state of mind most have never mastered.  Let your self be happy!  If you are not happy make the necessary changes in your life to be happy.  Allow yourself one moment to be selfish and figure out what you need to be happy instead of what you can do to make everyone else happy. After you find happiness in your life remember to spread your happiness to others, to those around you.  Allow your life to affect the lives of those you come in contact with.  People should be better off after they meet us.  We should make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.  So we should be able to spread our happiness to them.

Christmas Music

It is that time of the year again! Yes you guessed it, Christmas!!! No Christmas would be complete without Christmas music. Coming soon to a radio station near you is all the Christmas music you can stand. While I myself love the music of Christmas I too get tired of listening to it. Not because I get tired of Christmas or because all Christmas season the same songs get played over and over again. I grow tired of Christmas music because there seems to never be NEW Christmas music. It seems to me like all that ever changes is the person singing the music. Artists remake and remake the same songs every year and frankly I am tired of it. In a multibillion dollar music industry you would think that someone could write new music. What I want to see this Christmas season is the artists steep up and write new music. Quit remaking the same thing over and over again, that’s been done too many times. Instead branch out and create more music in a genre that seems to grow at a miniscule rate. Dare to be different!

What is Life?

So here is an old note of Facebook I felt like sharing… What is Life? Is it a series of success and failures…just a string of chances…luck…is it heartbeat to heartbeat, or one laugh to the next? I refuse to believe that all of our past failures, successes, joys, heartaches, friends, relationships, and every decision we make means absolutely nothing. Everything we do or say has a reason, everything we are and are to become derives itself from these moments. I want to be the best i can be, give my all living life. Each and every decision we make has an impact on who we are to become. I refuse to live life with no regard for the future, for no regard for who i am to be. I refuse to live life cautiously but to live like no day is different than the next. Will i be here tomorrow who knows all that matters is here and now…live life in the moment, stop to reflect on what got you to where you are and make every decision based on who you want to be. Think things through yet leave some things to chance. Live life…take chances live with you mistakes and learn from them. This is life whether you think there is more or not. Stay in the moment don’t live in fear of what might happen. Love, laugh, heartbroken or full of joy, fail, succeed…just keep going keep living never lose sight that there may be no tomorrow. Cry, mourn, but move on don’t dwell on what has left or gone from your life. Make your own future live with you mistakes, live life….life is it a series of turns in the road, is it one moment after the next, one game to the next, we have no control over anything other than ourselves and sometimes we cant control that…who to love who to hate, to be sick or not, to live or die…we have no control just live…..THATS LIFE!!!

A Measure of Life

Another old note from Facebook…Time stops. A Pulse dies. Brainwaves flatten. Life ends. What will we have to show when our time is over? Our heart and brainwaves cease yet what have they accomplished during their time. Life happens, by chance or planned it still happens. One thing we all have in common is our life can be measured by any number of things: a heartbeat, brainwaves, pulse, obituary. But how do we measure what we do in the world. Is there a great scale, rubric, or an example to live up to? Will our lives be measured by those we leave by the amount of love we showed. The money we gave. The laughter we spread. Smiles we caused. Breathless moments we caused. Lives we have saved. Or will there be sadness we spread. Anger we planted. Victims we hurt. We all have the chance to live a life however we want. We can use it for good or bad but we all get just one life. Can we hold up a ruler now and judge our lives? Did we live like we wanted? Do our lives matter to others? Do others matter to us? Who will miss us? Who will we miss? Look at your sphere of influence and ask yourself are those people better off with you in their lives? Do you change your life to accommodate for them, to bless others. Or do we leave our lives up to chance, no plans, no strategy, just live? Does the time we spend here truly matter in the grand scheme of time? Or are we small, insignificant, nothing? Will we look back later and have regrets or wish to relieve memories? I wonder what will be on my mind years from now on my death bed? Will i remember anyone that i tell myself i will never forget? Will i forget my first love? My college years? Family? I think the best way to sum up your life is when your on your death bed, the one thing that comes to your mind truly mattered! Measure your life at the end. Don’t waste time now trying to be a judge. We see a small picture now but at the end we will look back on it all and see what truly mattered to us. What will we see? They say your life flashes before your eyes when your dieing but will you want to relieve those moments? I hope I do! I hope my life is filled to the fullest.

December is Here!!!

December brings with it many things. For starters it officially ends no shave November. Yes ladies your man can now shave if he so chooses or if you make him. Women everywhere are rejoicing lol. Here is the growth that I had for the month of November.

Now I know that Mallory will be happy to know that I did indeed trim my facial hair last night after midnight. But other than the end of No Shave November, December still has a lot to offer. Here is my short list of things: Official start of winter, Finals, Christmas, Christmas break, and New Years. Wow you guys we have a lot to look forward to this month. Winter is probably my favorite season because I love the snow so I am very excited that it is finally here. While no one wants to take finals everyone wants out for Christmas Break. I have no idea what I am getting for Christmas back home if I even get anything. And then we have the start of the New Year, the New Decade 2010. So all in all the outlook for December looks pretty good to me. Oh did I mention i am going to Branson for the first time with Mallory and her family the week after Christmas…So yeah a great December is ahead of us.